Meblok products are so good, we are sure you won’t want to refund. But, if you still want one, we will happily refund the full amount you paid for the Product within 45 days of purchase subject to some terms and conditions as mentioned below. So what are you think about? Just buy, try and we are sure you will re-buy!
Refund Facility Terms and Conditions
Refund Facility:
If you have bought a product for the first time and are not fully satisfied with it, we will refund the full amount you paid for it, either as Melblok Coins to your Account or a refund to your original form of payment.
Refund Eligibility:
Only products never bought before by a person on this website are available for Refund. In other words, A person can request for a refund on a product only if it is the first time that that product was bought by her/him on this website within a 6-month period.
Refund Window:
A product can be refunded only after 30 days of purchase for up to 45 days from purchase. That is, you may only request for a refund of a product from 12:00 am on day 31 to 11:59 pm on day 45 from the date of purchase.
Refund Frequency:
The same product once refunded by a person is no longer eligible for refund on any subsequent purchase for six months from the first purchase date.
Refund Format:
Refund as Points:
If you request for a refund as points in your account, you get a full refund of the amount you paid for.
Refund as Cash back:
If you request for a refund as cash back then the format depends on your mode of payment:
If the refundable item was purchased using Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI or Net Banking, you will receive the refund to your original form of payment.
If you Paid for your order at delivery such as through Cash On Delivery (COD), then the refund can only be done as points directly to your account minus shipping and processing charges updated from time to time. To view the current processing charges, click here (Rs 250).
Refund Amount:
If you request for a refund as Points, you get the entire Order value refunded to you as points into your account, except orders paid for on delivery which incur shipping and processing charges as mentioned earlier.
If you request for a refund as Cash to your original form of payment, your get the entire value you paid for the item/product minus shipping and processing charges updated from time to time. Items shipped to international locations outside India are subject to different shipping and processing charges as mentioned here.
Refund Time Duration:
Refunds processed as Points get credited to your account Instantly, or within 48 hours.
Refunds processed as Cash Back get credited to your original form of payment within 14 business days. (Business days comprise of weekdays, but exclude bank holidays)
Cause for Refusal of Refund:
You might be denied refund if you try to misuse this facility or violate any of its terms and conditions as mentioned above.
Consequences of Misusing this Facility or violating its Terms and Conditions:
If you are found subverting any of the terms and conditions of this Refund Facility, you may be Permanently Banned from accessing or buying products on this and any related websites or offline stores without notice. Legal recourse may also be taken against you and any co-conspirators.
Other Terms and Conditions:
The refund facility is available at the sole discretion of Melblok. Its terms and conditions may be changed at any time without prior notice to you. It is your responsibility to check and be satisfied with these terms and conditions before making any purchase on this website.
The Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy of this website also apply.